These are the “earth angels”* who work behind the scenes to support this website and the publication of Steven’s books. Here are who they are and their roles, from left to right:
- Paula Howard – Publisher, A Howard Activity, LLC
- Debra Sawin – Publisher of our Companion Notebooks
- Tana Thurgaland – Technical Designer – marketing materials
- Paula Camp -Editor, Creative Consultant, Funding Source, and Soulmate
If you wish to find out more about the services of Paula Howard, Debra Sawin, or Tana Thurguland, just click on their photos for a link to either a website or an email address.

*It is important to me that I also mention several members of the MyCity Social digital marketing & communications team that have been enormously supportive over the past many months in helping market, maintain, and update my website. They are: Madelyn King and Hammad Saleem. They have been blessings in my life and I am most grateful!